JDF Plumbing and Drainage offer water efficiency and compliance reports for residential, landlords and tenancy agencies.
Water Efficient Property
Rental properties are considered water efficient if certain water fixtures meet the standards listed below:
- All internal and external plumbing fittings are to deliver a maximum of 9 litres of water, per minute.
- Shower heads are to have a maximum flow rate of 9 litres per minute.
- Toilets are to be dual flush, with the maximum flush volume of the full flush to be 6.5 litres, and the maximum for the half flush being 3.5 litres and a maximum average flush volume of 4 litres (based on the average of 1 full flush and 4 half flushes).
Water Efficiency & Compliance Testing/Certificates
We offer the following water efficiency & compliance plumbing services:
- Water efficiency testing and reporting for landlords and tenancy agencies
- Water efficiency certificates
- Other water efficiency testing and reporting
- Water compliance testing and reporting
- Water compliance certificates
Do you need a Plumber conduct a Water Efficiency & Compliance Test?
We offer a high quality and professional service to cater for your needs.